Uc Berkeley Review of Application From Disabled Students

If I have a Realtime Captioner or ASL Interpreter in my Zoom lecture, practice I notwithstanding demand to submit Zoom recordings to be captioned?

Yeah. The alive captioner is there for a purpose like to that of an ASL Interpreter; to provide captions for the communication that is occurring live. Realtime Captioning affords a D/deaf or hard-of-hearing student the power to actively participate in classroom discussions, questions, responses, and breakout sessions without losing quality of access to the material as it is presented.

The captioning of recorded Zoom lectures ensures that the pupil has equal admission which is unhindered by quality of cyberspace connectedness or equipment issues that might exist experienced past the instructor or captioner.

What is a Captioned Media accommodation?

The Captioned Media accommodation applies to any media that is pre-recorded and played during a lecture, posted on a course website, or otherwise included in the course. For instance, if you lot have a folder of films or videos of interest on your bCourses site, those should be available in captioned formats.

If you post recordings of lectures, office hours, discussions, et cetera, those all should include captions, even if a Realtime Captioner was nowadays during the live session.

Can I make a request for Captioned Media after my initial accommodations are granted?

Yes. You may request additional accommodations after your initial request is approved. Please schedule an engagement with your DSP Specialist to asking a new adaptation.  If your request has been canonical, delight allow sufficient time for the teacher and the Communication Services Department to coordinate your Captioned Media accommodation.

What is included in Captioned Media accommodations?

The Captioned Media adaptation applies to any media that is presented, posted, and/or required to exist viewed in a form. Students with a Captioned Media Accommodation must have equal access to all media-related material in a course.

Tin can a educatee with a Realtime Captioning adaptation participate in Zoom group work/breakout rooms?

Yes, the student is able to participate in group work. When a course is held in-person, a captioner is nowadays and frequently sits with the group in gild to hear the speakers clearly. Remote classes are handled in a similar manner in that the captioner will exist nowadays in the same breakout room/grouping component every bit the educatee.

A pupil may besides speak with the DSP Captioning Coordinator if they wish to omit captioning from any portion of their form. In the effect a student elects to omit captioning from a component of their course, the instructor will be notified by the DSP Captioning Coordinator that the student does non need captioning for that specific portion.

We encourage students to discuss their accommodations with their professors, and they may achieve out to you with what works best for them in your particular class.

What are the Realtime Captioning Best Practices for courses presented via Zoom?

  • Zoom lectures demand to cease at the scheduled end time, as both the students and the captioners may accept other obligations immediately following your class.

  • Speak clearly, in a normal tone, and at a moderate charge per unit. Practice non rush through a lecture. If the captioner does not understand or hear what was said, the captioner may unmute themselves or communicate with the teacher through the Zoom chat window. Please monitor your chat window for questions or requests from the captioner.

  • Remember that the Realtime Captioner is a few words behind the speaker. Delight give the Realtime Captioner time to stop before you enquire questions so that the D/deaf or difficult-of-hearing person may besides ask questions or bring together in the discussion.

  • Be mindful of ambient noises. Shuffling papers, typing, or using a stylus will override the spoken word. Speak facing your device'southward microphone. When speakers turn away from the microphone or their head is downwards, the audio is muffled or inaudible, possibly resulting in missing crucial information.

  • To ensure your audio is coming through clearly during your lecture, please bank check the conversation frequently or ask if participants can hear yous throughout your lecture.

  • The captioner can only caption 1 speaker at a time. If there is more than one speaker present, they should non speak simultaneously. When multiple participants are speaking at one time, the audio does non stream through. Delight ask participants to mute their microphone until they need to speak.

  • If the speaker plans to read material in the class, it is beneficial for the student and captioner to have access to the cloth prior to the beginning of the class and then they can follow along with what is being read.

  • When reading a text in form, delight make certain to cite the folio number and paragraph that yous are reading from and then the pupil can follow along. Posting this data in the chat window too helps your students locate the material.

  • The captioner cannot provide captions and speak and/or type in the conversation window at the same time. Please avoid request non-essential questions of the captioner during class fourth dimension.

  • If there are invitee speakers or educatee presenters, please apprise them of DSP captioning protocols.

  • Whenever possible, please provide the Realtime Captioner with PowerPoints, handouts, charts, and other form materials in accelerate and then they may be reviewed alee of time. The all-time manner to share training materials is by posting them to your bCourses site or by emailing the files to dsp-captioning@berkeley.edu.

Does Realtime Captioning crave the utilise of applied science, such as mobile phones or laptops, in my classroom?

Yes, Realtime Captioning provides an instant translation of spoken English into written English language text that is displayed on a laptop, tablet, or cell phone.

If a DSP pupil has an adaptation for the utilize of a laptop, tablet, or jail cell phone for inability-related reasons, please allow the DSP student to use their device. Information technology is also important to allow the student to sit where they choose, every bit the educatee may need to sit near the forepart as an accommodation for their inability too.

In your syllabus, please state that students who demand to apply an electronic device should contact the instructor to request an exception. In this way, you lot tin avoid specifically singling out students with disabilities.

Practise I need to do annihilation differently when a Realtime Captioner is present for an in-person class?

  • Speak clearly, in a normal tone, and at a moderate charge per unit. Do non rush through a lecture. If the captioner does not understand or hear what was said, they may ask the speaker to slow down or restate the information given.

  • If in that location is a microphone bachelor in the classroom, the presenter should wear it at all times.

  • If there is more than one speaker present, they should not speak simultaneously because the captioner can only caption one speaker at a time.

  • Remember that the Realtime Captioner is a few words behind the speaker. Delight give the Realtime Captioner fourth dimension to end earlier y'all ask questions so that the D/deafened or difficult-of-hearing person may as well ask questions or join in the give-and-take.
  • If the speaker plans to read material in the class, information technology is beneficial for the student to be given the cloth prior to the beginning of the class then they can follow along with what is being read.

  • When reading a text in class, please make sure to cite the page number and paragraph that yous are reading from so the student tin follow forth.

  • The captioner cannot caption and talk at the same time. Avoid speaking directly to the captioner or request questions of the captioner during grade time.

  • When using Realtime Captioning to speak with a student who is D/deaf or hard of hearing, remember to speak directly to the pupil, non to the captioner.

  • Face the person who is D/deafened or difficult of hearing and speak to them the same way you would to any other student.

  • Do not make comments to the captioner that yous do non intend to have captioned to the D/deafened or difficult of hearing student, even if the pupil's back is turned.

  • When a question is asked or a annotate is made during form, please repeat the question and/or comment before answering.

  • In classes in which there is a great deal of classroom participation, it is helpful if the students in the class raise their hands and expect to be chosen upon before speaking.

  • If there are invitee speakers or student presenters, please have them wear a microphone and keep them apprised of DSP protocol.

  • Whenever possible, please provide the Realtime Captioner with PowerPoints, handouts, charts, and other class materials in advance so they may exist reviewed alee of time.

Do I need to practice anything differently when an ASL Interpreter is present for an in-person course?

  • When using an interpreter to speak with a person who is D/deafened or hard of hearing, retrieve to speak directly to the person, not to the interpreter. The interpreter is not part of the conversation and is not permitted to voice personal opinions or enter into the chat.

  • Face the person who is D/deaf or hard of hearing and speak to them in a normal manner. Exercise not brand comments to the interpreter that y'all do non intend to take interpreted to the D/deafened or hard-of-hearing person, fifty-fifty if the person's back is turned.

  • Call up that the interpreter is a few words behind the speaker. Please requite the interpreter fourth dimension to terminate before you ask questions and then that the D/deaf or hard-of-hearing person may also inquire questions or join in the discussion.

  • Whenever possible, delight permit simply one person to speak at a time during group discussions, as information technology is very difficult for an interpreter when several people are speaking at in one case. Information technology may be beneficial to enquire the form to allow a brief pause between speakers to permit the interpreter to finish the previous statement before the next speaker begins.

  • In classes in which there is a great deal of classroom participation, it is helpful if the students in the class raise their hands and expect to be called upon earlier speaking. This allows the interpreter and the D/deaf or hard-of-hearing student fourth dimension to place who is speaking before proceeding with the interpreted statement.

  • Speak clearly and in a normal tone when using an interpreter. Do non blitz through a lecture. If the interpreter does non understand or did not hear what was said, they may ask the speaker to slow downwardly or recapitulate the information given.

  • Allow time to study handouts, charts, or overheads. A person who is D/deaf or difficult of hearing cannot watch the interpreter and study written data at the same time. If at all possible, please provide the educatee with these materials in advance so they may exist reviewed ahead of fourth dimension.

  • Be sure that the interpreter is within a clear line of sight and has expert lighting. If the room situation requires darkening the room to view slides, videotapes, or films, auxiliary lighting may be necessary so that the D/deaf or difficult-of-hearing person can see the interpreter.

What is ASL Interpreting?

American Sign Language (ASL) is a visual language. The ASL Interpreter facilitates the communication of what is being said in a multifariousness of academic situations. They may also translate the pupil'south signed advice into spoken English when the student is called upon, has a comment or question, or makes a presentation. ASL Interpreters are there to provide advice access between the educatee, the teacher, and the class.

What if I am going to be late or absent-minded for on-campus learning?

The student should notify the ASL Supervisor equally presently as possible that they will not be attention that class. Nosotros recognize that at that place may exist instances in which, due to unavoidable circumstances, a student may non exist able to provide accelerate observe of being absent/late for form. If no advance find is provided, ASL Interpreters will wait for the educatee's inflow for 15 minutes later the start of class for a one-hr class, twenty minutes for ii-60 minutes classes, and 30 minutes for a three-hour course or longer.

Where will the interpreter stand?

The interpreter will stand as close to the speaker as possible so the educatee can pick upward on facial expressions and torso language from the speaker.

What is ASL Interpreting?

American Sign Language (ASL) is a visual language.  The ASL Interpreter facilitates the communication of what is being said in a diversity of academic situations. They may too interpret the student'south signed communication into spoken English language when the student is chosen upon, has a annotate or question, or makes a presentation. ASL Interpreters are there to provide communication admission between the educatee, the instructor, and the form.

How practise I communicate with a Realtime Captioner during a Zoom lecture?

Yous tin employ the chat window in Zoom to communicate with the captioner. The captioner will be named "Captioner" in the participant list.  Please send all messages to the captioner privately.

Y'all may too try speaking to the captioner through the microphone. The captioner will unmute themselves to respond to you if they are able to Do non mention the student's name or inability over the microphone or in a public chat.

What if I am going to exist late or absent-minded for on-campus learning?

The student should notify the Captioning Supervisor every bit soon as possible that they will not be attending that class.

We recognize that in that location may be instances in which, due to unavoidable circumstances, a student may not exist able to provide advance notice of being absent/tardily for class. If no advance detect is provided, captioners will expect for the student's inflow for 15 minutes after the beginning of form for a ane-hr class, 20 minutes for two-hr classes, and xxx minutes for a three-hr class or longer.

Where does the Realtime Captioner sit down?

The captioner volition sit where they are able to hear the instructor and meet the visual presentations. The student tin sit next to the captioner or may use a tablet if they wish to sit elsewhere in the room.

In the consequence an internet connection to the tablet is unavailable or interrupted, the pupil will need to sit by the captioner in guild to view alive captions.

What if I add together, drop, or change a grade?

Please asking Realtime Captioning accommodations through AIM for any class changes or newly added classes. Notify the Realtime Captioning Supervisor once the AIM changes have been made.

How practice I get my media captioned?

Submit captioning requests to DSP Captioning via the DSP portal (AIM) . This includes all media including, simply not limited to, bCourses videos, video and voiceover content, narrated embedded PowerPoint videos, videos listed on your syllabus, YouTube, TED Talks, Zoom lectures, and raw MP4 files.

The turnaround fourth dimension for DSP captioning is inside ten business organization days . Contact dsp-captioning@berkeley.edu for any questions regarding this process.

For DVDs or digitized/streaming media, go to OskiCat.Berkeley.edu to search for the DVD/movie yous need captioned. Send the call number to avmccirc@library.berkeley.edu.  The turnaround time to caption a DVD is x business organization days.

*This is not a guarantee due to COVID-19 directives. The earlier nosotros receive a list of DVDs needed, the better our chances will be of securing a digitized streaming version with captions for your student.

Expedited requests: We sympathize last-minute changes and volition exercise our all-time to get any terminal-minute requests dorsum to you.  Reasonable attempts volition be fabricated to suit the request; notwithstanding, in that location is no guarantee that videos submitted afterwards 12:00 p.g. will exist captioned the aforementioned day.

What if I am going to be late or absent to class for remote learning?

The student should notify the Captioning Supervisor every bit soon equally possible that they volition either be late or not attending that class.

We recognize that at that place may exist instances in which, due to unavoidable circumstances, a student may non be able to provide advance find of being absent-minded/late for class. If no advance detect is provided, captioners will await for the student'south arrival for 15 minutes after the start of class for a one-hour class, 20 minutes for two-hour classes, and 30 minutes for a three-hr class or longer.

How practice I communicate with the captioner during a Zoom lecture?

You can communicate with the captioner in the Zoom chat. The captioner volition be listed in the participant list as "Captioner." In the event the Zoom chat is disabled, you can send a message to the captioner in the StreamText chat.

The captioners are captioning and monitoring multiple screens, so they will respond as they are able to.

What if the clip I plan to use is from YouTube?

If the fabric is on YouTube, you should check to meet if it'southward appropriately captioned. If it is not properly captioned, request that DSP have it captioned for you.

* A warning about YouTube videos :  Frequently YouTube videos show the "CC" symbol indicating they are captioned. However, if you click on the "CC" symbol and it says "English (Auto Generated)," these captions are produced using vocalization recognition software and fall beneath ADA and UC Berkeley quality standards. When used in the classroom, car-generated captions may limit accessibility for the student with a hearing loss.

The automobile-generated captions are sometimes so inaccurate that they prohibit proper comprehension of the material beingness presented. Information technology is required y'all always review the entire YouTube video to bank check the quality of the captions before showing it in class.  If captions do non meet ADA and Academy requirements, you should asking that the DSP have them captioned. For description on automatic captions , delight view this informational video regarding automated captions

Why aren't automatic captions (speech recognition) sufficient for a video shown in class?

Automatic captions do not encounter caption quality or legal standards that apply to video captioning as a whole. Captions must relay the speaker'south exact words with correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar with 99% accuracy. Captions may not be paraphrased and must honor the original tone and intent of the speaker. Sounds, music, and other environmental noises must too announced.

For clarification on automated captions (speech recognition), please view this informational video regarding automated captions . A quick manner to determine if the captions are acceptable is to check to see if there is proper punctuation and speaker identifiers.

How long does it take to get media captioned?

For shorter videos of ten minutes or less, please allow 10 business days. For longer videos, please permit 15 concern days. For last-minute media captioning requests, please submit your request via AIM and indicate your desired turnaround fourth dimension. Please program accordingly. If videos are not captioned, they may non be shown in class or be required to view exterior of class time.

Why exercise videos need to be captioned if there's a realtime captioner or ASL Interpreter in the grade?

It is impossible for the student to watch the video and watch the captions/interpreters simultaneously. Information will be missed on one end or the other, thereby missing portions of the captions/interpreting.

The captioner or interpreter may be unfamiliar with the terminology, names, locations, song lyrics, or subject-specific information contained in the video. This unfamiliarity may consequence in inaccurate translation/captions. Interpreters and captioners are able to translate ane voice at a time. If people in the video speak over one another, or if a professor speaks during the video presentation, some dialog would non be relayed to the educatee. Videos that comprise quality captions ensure students receive equal access to the information beingness presented.

Additionally, closed captions are added to recorded lectures, discussions, labs, and office hours  for both synchronous and asynchronous sessions. This ensures that student/southward with a Captioned Media accommodation accept equal admission to become back and review the material in the same way equally their peers.

What is the difference between captions and subtitles?

Subtitles are generally intended for people who are able to hear. Subtitles are most often used to display a different language than the one spoken in the video. Subtitles only include the words spoken.

Captions are intended to provide access to people who are unable to hear. Dissimilar subtitles, captions include the spoken word, sound effects, music description, punctuation, and identification of speakers.

Do I always have to use captioned versions of films, film clips, YouTube/Vimeo videos, and other media?

YES.  ALL films, clips, videos, and other media must be captioned in accord with Federal Police force and University policy . If there is a student in your classroom who has a Captioned Media adaptation, you may non play uncaptioned films, clips, YouTube/Vimeo videos or other media. Delight obtain films or video clips with captions whenever yous plan to employ them in class. Not all professionally produced films on DVD and VHS will have closed captions. Please check accordingly before y'all intend to show the media.

Non-compliance with the in a higher place legal mandates could result in the university and/or the faculty/staff could beingness held legally liable.

What is captioned media?

Captioned Media displays spoken words as text and includes speaker identifications, sound descriptions, punctuation, and musical lyrics and/or description.

What is Realtime Captioning?

Realtime Captioning is the immediate stenographic transcription of the spoken discussion into text. This text tin be viewed on a mobile device, reckoner, tablet, or big screen.  Realtime Captioning enables people who are hard of hearing or D/deaf equal access to fully and actively participate.

How practice I admission accommodation data in AIM?

Accessing Accommodation Information in AIM

  • Faculty and Instructors must become to: https://bachelor.accessiblelearning.com/Berkeley/instructor/Login.aspx , and Log-In with your Berkeley CalNet ID and Passphrase.


  • Later an Instructor reads and agrees to the FERPA agreement, merely click on Continue to View Pupil Accommodations  to advance to the side by side Overview page.


  • From the Overview page, an instructor can see a list of all DSP students, the main accommodations they requested, and whether or non an teacher has read the LOA (faculty notification letter).


  • Instructors can click View  next to a specific educatee's proper name to see the LOA (faculty notification letter).


  • At the bottom of the overview page is a department that will show, if enabled, a listing of students who are registered with DSP merely have non requested accommodation for that form.

Search Students' Eligibilities

  • On the height right is a link to Southward earch Students' Eligibilities  Selecting that option will allow instructors to see a list of students' emails that tin can be exported.


  • Selecting the Click to Aggrandize Advanced Search Panel displays a list of eligibilities  that  instructors can search past (some examples given beneath).


Export Students' Eligibilities

  1. Export Student List Eastward xport a list of all student eligibilit ies . The Eligibility that displays is  based on  whether a  student is eligible for a item accommodation.
  2. Consign Student Accommodation Requests . Exports a list of all the accommodations re quested by students.
  3. Export Educatee Courses with Eligibility . Combines the 2 reports for both the student ' south eligibilities and their requested accommodations.


Add together Proxies (Add together Instructor)

  • On the top furthest right paw corner of the folio is a link to  Add Instructor Selecting that option will allow instructors to add together/assign proxies to their selected course(s).


  • From the Add together Instructor page, faculty can select a course and enter the appropriate contact information of the teacher they would like to assign proxy privileges.


  • Once complete, select the Add Instructor  push button at the bottom of the page, and that instructor will be sent an e-mail to confirm their access as an Teacher or Proxy for the course for which they were assigned.
  • Once they click on the link provided in the electronic mail and CalNet authenticate, their proper noun, form information, and status will appear in the  List of Requests for Adding  Instructors  (similar to the example shown below) once processing is complete.


How do I request captioning for course-required activities held outside of scheduled class fourth dimension?

The student is responsible for requesting Realtime Captioning via AIM for grade-related activities held outside of the scheduled class time. Class-related activities can include, but are not express to, field trips, meetings with the instructor, and group meetings. Whenever possible, delight provide advance observe of such meetings or requirements.

Step-by-footstep instructions for making a custom request in AIM:

1. From the AIM Dashboard, click on "Deaf and Hard of Hearing" on the left side of the screen.

Screenshot of AIM Dashboard

ii. Click on "Custom Requests" in the upper right-mitt corner of the folio.

Screenshot of AIM deaf and hard of hearing page

3. Click on the box that says "Schedule Custom Request."

screenshot of AIM schedule custom request box

4. In the "Select Course" dropdown menu, select the course you are making the custom request for. Once the grade is selected, click on "Continue to Specify Custom Request."

screenshot of AIM custom request select course menu

5. Fill in the event information, and and then click on "Submit Custom Request" to complete your request.

screenshot of AIM custom request form

How practise I receive captions for an on-campus class when using a remote captioner?

Streamtext is the primary platform used to provide captions remotely.  Below are instructions for logging in, viewing captions, and customizing the display in Streamtext.

If captions are being provided through a different platform, you volition receive an electronic mail with a URL link to view the captions on that platform.

  • To log into your streamtext account, please follow these instructions: Logging in to Streamtext . Your Streamtext captioning links for the day will exist viewable once you are logged in.

  • To access your Streamtext captions via a link sent through your email, please follow these instructions: Accessing StreamText Via Email Link

  • To customize your StreamText display, please follow these instructions: Customizing Streamtext Display

  • To view captions using the StreamCast overlay, please visit StreamCast Instructions . This site volition testify you a StreamCast demo, along with download and viewing instructions.

How practice I receive captions during remote learning?

Streamtext is the primary platform used to provide captions for remote classes.  Below are instructions for logging in, viewing captions, and customizing the display in Streamtext.

If captions are being provided through a unlike platform, yous will receive an electronic mail with a URL link to view the captions on that platform.

  • To log into your streamtext account, please follow these instructions: Logging in to Streamtext . Your Streamtext captioning links for the day volition exist viewable once you are logged in.

  • To admission your Streamtext captions via a link sent through your email, please follow these instructions: Accessing StreamText Via Email Link

  • To customize your StreamText display, please follow these instructions: Customizing Streamtext Display

  • To view captions using the StreamCast overlay, please visit StreamCast Instructions . This site will evidence you a StreamCast demo, along with download and viewing instructions.

  • Logging in to the StreamText chat box is optional. However, yous may apply the chat box to communicate with your captioner. At that place may be multiple students receiving captions in a course. Therefore, you may not be the only student logged into Streamtext. You may use your initials when logging into the chat box to maintain privacy. The captioners are captioning and monitoring multiple screens, so they will answer as they are able to.

How do I asking services through AIM?


To asking communication accommodations each semester, yous must log into AIM, which is the platform DSP uses to process your accommodations.

Note: These instructions are also available equally a DOCX and PDF.

How to Request Advice Services Through AIM docx

How to Request Advice Services Through AIM pdf

Logging into AIM and Finding Your Classes:

  • Use your UC Berkeley CalNet ID and Passphrase to log into AIM via this link: https://bachelor.accessiblelearning.com/Berkeley/

  • Afterward logging in, make sure y'all are in the "My Dashboard" tab.
    screenshot of AIM student dashboard

  • Scroll down to the department titled "Select Accommodations for Your Form" to find your current registered class(es) with UC Berkeley. If yous do non see a course y'all believe you are registered for, check the "Important Notes" in the yellowish box higher up your classes.

Requesting Accommodations:

one.   Under "Stride 1: Select Form(es)," select the form(es) for which you wish to receive communication accommodations by checking each course's respective box (see the screenshot below).

2.  Click "Step 2: Continue to Customize Your Accommodations" to begin selecting accommodations for each form. If you have multiple accommodations bachelor, they will all be displayed on this screen nether each individual course you accept selected. For example, in the screenshot below, the student is eligible for multiple communication accommodations.

three.  When you accept finished selecting your accommodations for each of your classes, click the "Submit Your Accommodation Requests" button at the bottom of the page. This volition submit your request for accommodations to the DSP office. Once processed, DSP will email your Faculty Notification Letter to both y'all and your instructors. At that time, your accommodations for the current semester will be listed on the "My Dashboard" tab.

How do I recall my transcript in AIM?

ane.From the AIM Dashboard, click on "Deaf and Difficult of Hearing" located on the left side of the screen.

Screenshot of AIM Dashboard

2. Click on "Available Transcript(s)" beneath the class championship that you wish to view the transcript for.

Screenshot of AIM available transcripts button

3. Transcripts are listed past date. Click "Download Transcript" to view the transcript file.

screenshot of transcript list

What is the difference between My Media and Media Gallery?

My Media is the identify on bCourses where all of your recordings and Zoom lectures are uploaded and housed. All of this content is unique and viewable merely to you.

Media Gallery is for videos that are viewable by those with access to the bCourses site.

Screenshot of My Media and Media Gallery tabs

We will fulfill all of your captioning requests through your bCourses Media Gallery.

Hither is additional information on making content available: Service Now Cognition Base

Can a student with an ASL Interpreting adaptation participate in Zoom group work/breakout rooms?

Yep, the student is able to participate in group work. When a class is held in-person, an ASL Interpreter is nowadays and often sits with the group in order to hear the speakers clearly. Remote classes are handled in a similar fashion in that the interpreter will be present in the same breakout room/group component as the student.

Nosotros encourage students to discuss their accommodations with their professors, and they may achieve out to you lot with what works best for them in your detail class.

What are the ASL Interpreting Best Practices for courses presented via Zoom?

  • Zoom lectures need to end at the scheduled end time, as both the students and the interpreters may have other obligations immediately following your class.

  • Speak clearly, in a normal tone, and at a moderate rate. Do not rush through a lecture. If the interpreter does non understand or hear what was said, the interpreter may communicate with the instructor through the Zoom chat window. Please monitor your chat window for questions or requests from the interpreter.

  • Exist mindful of ambience noises. Shuffling papers, typing, or using a stylus will override the spoken give-and-take. Speak facing your device'south microphone. When speakers turn away from the microphone or their head is downwardly, the audio is muffled or inaudible, possibly resulting in missing crucial data.

  • To ensure your audio is coming through conspicuously during your lecture, please check the conversation oft or ask if participants can hear you lot throughout your lecture.

  • The interpreter can but interpret one speaker at a time. If at that place is more 1 speaker present, they should not speak simultaneously. When multiple participants are speaking at 1 time, the audio does not stream through clearly. Delight ask participants to mute their microphone until they demand to speak.

  • If the speaker plans to read textile in the grade, it is beneficial for the student and interpreter to have access to the cloth prior to the beginning of the course so they can follow along with what is being read.

  • When reading a text in course, please brand sure to cite the page number and paragraph that y'all are reading from so the pupil can follow forth. Posting this information in the conversation window also helps your students locate the material.

  • The interpreter cannot sign and speak and/or type in the chat window at the same time. Please avoid asking non-essential questions of the interpreter during form time.

  • If at that place are guest speakers or student presenters, please apprise them of DSP ASL Interpreting protocols.

  • Whenever possible, please provide the ASL Interpreter with PowerPoints, handouts, charts, and other grade materials in accelerate so they may be reviewed ahead of time. The best way to share grooming materials is by posting them to your bCourses site or by emailing the files to dsp-captioning@berkeley.edu

How will I receive ASL Interpreting services remotely?

A video communication service is used for ASL interpreting when a class is held remotely via Zoom. ASL interpreting will be provided virtually through a URL link. Students will be provided the URL link prior to class beginning.

How practice I submit a video to AIM for captioning?

1. Log into AIM

two. Click the "Deaf and Difficult of Hearing" tab on the left side.

The Views and Tools Tab opens to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Tab

Bold (Ctrl+B)

3. Click "Submit Video Captioning Request" on the correct side.

Submit video captioning requests tab

four. Select the appropriate class you lot are making the request for.

Select the class

5. Click "Continue to View Request For This Course." You will so fill out the request form.

Click on the Continue to View Request for This Class Button

vi. Make full out the form, ensur ing that all spaces with a red asterisk are completed. Use the exact name of the video as information technology is listed in your Media Gallery. Please ensure that your file names are distinguishable from 1 another.

Fill out the form

7. Betoken in the "notes" section if there are any special instructions.

In the notes section, add any special instructions

 viii. Click "Add Video List"

Click on Add video List button


Source: https://dsp.berkeley.edu/faq

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